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MCLV Mange: Thanksgiving Recipe Round-Up

When I think about Thanksgiving I picture beautiful Autumn scenery, family time, and lots, and lots, and lots of food. Preparing and eating meals as a family is such an ingrained part of our country’s Thanksgiving ritual – Whether it’s your parents and sibling, your roommates, or the family you’ve created for yourself as an adult in a new city.

Whether you’re cooking the whole meal from scratch or bringing a dish or two for your host or hostess, here are some delicious, healthy recipes that you can try out – From savory entrees to mouth-watering desserts to fun twists on classic sides, there’s something for everyone to get excited about here.


Lentil Loaf 2 3   Glazed Lentil Walnut Apple Loaf, Revisited


drop biscuits 7978 thumb   Herb & Cheese Drop Biscuits… with a secret ingredient!


Detox Salad II 7417 thumb   Fall Detox Salad + Hurricane Sandy Fundraiser Update


Still in the mood for more recipes? Check out these other sites for more delicious ideas: Gourmet chef Eat, Live, Run’s Thanksgiving Recipe Madness, The Huffington Post’s Vegan Thanksgiving Recipes, Purely Twins’s Starters – Sides – Sweets Holiday Ideas for a gluten-free Thanksgiving, Gluten-Free Holiday Baking, Modelinia’s Model Meal: The Ultimate Thanksgiving Meal, or if you have fussy children check out Fork & Bean’s 10 Kid (and Allergy Friendly) Thanksgiving Ideas.

What’s your favorite part about the Thanksgiving holiday? Do you have a specific Thanksgiving dish that you look forward to year after year?

6 responses

  1. VN: Can gluten-free food be just as delicious as traditional foods?AK: Absolutely! With the variety of foods out there, such as Butler Soy Curls (which are great for replacing seitan) and hundreds of great recipes for gluten-free pie crusts, pizza doughs, breads, cakes, cookies, and more, you are really not missing out by being gluten-free. My entire family eats gluten-free 90 percent of the time and even though I’m the only one with an intolerance, they are all quite happy and well-fed. In fact, many of the vegan foods we enjoyed before my diagnosis were already gluten-free. There are also hundreds of great blogs that not only offer wonderful inspiration, but also solid tips, tricks, and recipes that work.

    November 26, 2012 at 8:41 PM

  2. Pingback: Happy Thanksgiving « Moi Contre La Vie

  3. Pingback: Pizza Bread | Beautiful Disasters

  4. Pingback: Links You’ll Love « Moi Contre La Vie

  5. Thanks for the link-up! This is an awesome list you put together. 🙂

    November 17, 2012 at 12:00 PM

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