An ongoing love affaire with all things fashionable, tasty and fun

Posts tagged “Lovely By Lucy

Looks of the Week – Outwear Edition

Bold and dramatic outerwear is my current obsession – Whether you adore the classics or pieces with more a avant garde or boho vibe, you’ll love the fabulous examples below!


{Such a fabulous color – Bold & eye-catching. And I adore the belt!}


{Fabulous prints like these are a great way to go – This subtle black & white oversized coat is just the thing!}


{Drama Drama Drama – This Maison Martin Margiela coat is about as head-turning as they come. Are you brave enough to rock something like this?}


{A faux fur collar is a great way to spice up a coat – It adds a touch of sophistication and a fun twist that can make a coat totally “you.”}


{Animal prints can be a really fun print to try out – And finding a unique cut & silhouette like this one is a great way to go. Belting it? Makes it even more unique!}


{I love the unique style of this piece – The print, the fringe, the silhouette}

What’s your favorite style of outerwear? Do you have a favorite piece that you just can’t get enough of this season?

Looks of the Week

After a short hiatus – Otherwise know as The Holidays – I’d like to welcome you back for another Looks of the Week post. I just can’t get enough of colors, textures, and fun, eye-catching fabrics these days. So enjoy these shots – I hope you’re motivated to mix things up like these stylish ladies!

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{How KILLER is this look? Head-to-toe fabuous from the black & red color scheme to the fabulous baubles to the lace+leather+graphic prints.}


{Doesn’t this look make you want to reach out and touch it? Love the vest paired w/ the vibrantly colored top. So dramatic!}


{Too. Freaking. Cute. I love her vest & bag – But that hat is just plain WORKIN’ for me!}


{While I do adore this mustard colored skirt it’s not what initially caught my attention. It was the cable knit sweater over blue plaid wit a killer statement necklace. The textures & colors here are fabulous!}


{Do I even need to caption this?}


{Red. Hot. I love a power suit and is anything more enpowering than head-to-toe red? Tres chic!}


{I’m currently in the midst of a full blown obsession with embellished skirts – Seriously, the bf is concerned for my well being – And feathers are high on my need-want-have-to-have list! I love how Fashion Steele NYC keeps this look from being too over-the-top by pairing it with a basic tee & blazer.}


{I mean – Wow. Love the colors. Love the layers. Love the fabrics & texures. Just love!}


{Tweed is one of my favorite Winter fabrics – It’s warm and has a certain destinguished Brit-vibe to it. I also love a one-of-a-kind suit like this one.}

Which look here in your favorite? Are you enjoying rich colors, fun fabrics, and interesting textures this season?

Looks of the Week – Winter White

Today’s Looks of the Week round-up will be focusing on the chic Winter trend of wearing white – Whether it’s a head-to-toe look or just a fabulous piece or accessories. Male or female, Summer or Winter, white can be hard to pull off, it takes some serious style chops to make it work well.


{This fashion blogger featured on Candice Lake’s website makes Winer White look effortless – The look is somewhat simple, but oh-so-striking!}


{Very stylish white cable knit sweater and I love how the white is mirrored in the brown & white striped socks. It was a great choice to go with brown instead of basic black & white too.}


{This is a killer look – A little bit rock n’ roll and a little bit biker chick. I love the white exposed zipper jacket and the buckle ankle boots.}


{This black & white sweater is totally chic and I couldn’t think of a cuter way to pair it than these fabulous leopard print pants – They’re unique, unexpected, and totally fabulous.}


{This menswear inspired black & white look is fabulous – Chic and timeless with a great androgynous twist.}


{These layered pieces in shades of cream and tan come together into a fabulous look – The leather leggings, chunky sweater, and collared jacket look great together!}


{This fabulous white coat from last year is one of my favorites – It’s classic but the silhouette gives it a fun twist.}


{And as always The Sartorialist captures some killer looks from the streets – From chic sweaters to gorgeous maxi skirts to great head-to-toe white looks.}

Have you had time to try out the Winter White trend yet this chilly Winter season? Which of the looks above inspires you the most?