An ongoing love affaire with all things fashionable, tasty and fun

Posts tagged “Vegetarian dining

Links You’ll Love


Are you a fan of metallics? They can be a great way to spice up a look for Fall or make an outfit nighttime-ready – Style File: Metallics.

Black and white is one of my favorite color schemes, it’s chic and really stylish and you can spice it up really easily with a splash of color – Street Style Update: Black & White Outfits @ New York, Milan & Paris Fashion Weeks.

If you’re in the market for a sweet dessert-inspired necklace why not support an amazing cause? She’s The First sponsors girls’ education in the developing world and has created a too cute cupcake necklace to further their cause – She’s the First Tie-Dye Cupcake Necklace.


I don’t know about you, but I’ve always been a fan of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes books and have thoroughly enjoyed all of the recent remakes from the movies to the BBC & US-based TV series. Clearl I’m not the only one as Apartment Therapy put together a great list of Sherlock Holmes-inspired home decor – Get This Look: BBC’s Sherlock.

Healthy & Fitness:

Do you track your daily food intake? While it can see daunting to keep track of every single thing that you put in your mouth over the course of the day, it can be a useful and informative project. Commonly people over – or under – estimate their intake of calories, fat, protein, fiber, and vitamins & nutrients. Over the years I’ve tried a handful of programs – From Slimkicker to Livestrong to the My Fitness Pal app (for Android!) that my boyfriend recommends to his CrossFit clients. I highly recommend giving this a try, you may be surprised by what you find out!

I can’t live without music in my day-to-day life and I REALLY can’t live without music at the gym. If I forget my headphones or don’t charge my mp3 player, odds are I’ll skip my workout. So finding new tunes for my fitness sessions is essential – Whether they’re new tracks on the airwaves or I’m rediscovering CDs from my youth.

We’re heading into the holiday stretch now and with all the family gatherings, social events, and holiday festivities on the horizon, why not make a healthy eating plan that’ll allow you to not only show up to everything looking fabulous, but also feeling great? Check out The No Meat Athlete’s 10 Simple Guidelines for Eating Healthier than Ever and get inspired!

Shopping at your local Whole Foods or health food store can be a daunting prospect – There’s a reason they call it Whole Paycheck! So why not get some advice & tips to arm yourself before your next trip? Prevention’s Smart Buys At The Health Food Store.

If you’re anything like me, you’re always in the mood to try something new in the fitness arena. From boxing & pilates to running & yoga, I’m always interested in finding new ways to keep myself interested and to keep my body from plateauing. Classes at the gym or local Y can be a great option and with endless choices to pick from learning a little about them in advance can’t hurt. So read on – TRX: 6 Things to Know Before Trying a Class.

Restaurant Review – Millennium


Last week I enjoyed a phenomenal meal at Millennium, which is located in the Tenderloin/Union Square area of San Francisco. Here’s brief description of their goals from the official website:

Millennium Restaurant is dedicated to supporting the essential earthly concepts of organic food production, small farms, sustainable agriculture, recycling and composting. We cook with fresh produce delivered every day, and choose organic whenever possible. We believe that a gourmet dining experience can be created out of vegetarian, healthy, and environmentally friendly foods. We are proud to state that our restaurant is completely free of genetically modified foods.

The location may not be the nicest (the Tenderloin is fairly rundown) but it’s certainly convenient, only a few blocks from the Powell Street BART station and very close to Union Square for some pre or post meal shopping.

The interior is lovely, a very large, open space with plenty of tables and a giant bar in the center.

Now for the good stuff…

My friends Liz, Mark and I have a monthly dinner in San Francisco to explore new restaurants and introduce Mark, a new UK (via Spain) import, to California cuisine. They’re both omnis and were kind enough to accompany me to this veggie-friendly restaurant, which they both ended up enjoying. We ordered a number of dishes and there was plenty of me reaching across the table sharing going on.

Roasted beets w/ balsamic and hazelnuts


Pan-roasted new potatoes w/ Turkish chile aioli


Crushed oyster mushrooms w/ radish salad & grapefruit-Habanero chile jam and a side of greens w/ pine nuts


Black bean Torte w/ pumpkin-Habanero papazul, cashew "sour cream" & caramelized plantains


Huitlacoche tamale w/ cashew "cheese," roasted poblano chili, Habanero puree & sautéed broccoli

We all really loved our meals and I would highly recommend this restaurant, even for non-veg*ns. The food is incredibly tasty and healthy, a great combination no matter what your food preferences are.